Lately I have been praising Google for a number of new innovations including the recent Google Maps branded points-of-interest initiative which is currently in beta stage. But as an SEO optimisation consultant I must say today I am not a happy bunny.

Google has always shown a maximum of three ads above its unpaid organic search results, but it seems this is all set to change as they are currently experimenting with four, throwing in their own comparison ad into the mix. So, if you have just organically made it onto Google page 1, you may soon be dropping off to page 2 again. Read more

Search is an exiting industry to be involved in right now and web marketing solutions just seem to get broader everyday. For every announcement surrounding the Yahoo-Bing merger, Google come out with a new innovation to ensure they remain in the spotlight and stay at least 5 steps ahead of the pack.

Google’s latest offering comes courtesy of Google Maps and is something that was first tested back in March on the Australian version of Google Maps. “Sponsored map icons” are points-of-interest displayed on a Google Maps search branded with company logos.

For instance, Read more

Did you even know Google Realtime Search existed? Probably not, and if you did you may have known it as Google Real-time Search with a hyphen. Anyway, in the know or not, Google Realtime Search now has its own home page at

This realtime feature allows you to conduct a search once and then continually monitor the page without needing to refresh. You don’t get the standard results displayed by, realtime does what it says on the tin and provides up to the minute results as they happen. This provides the searcher with a comprehensive insight of relevance for a given subject matter, gathering results from news feeds, Twitter, Friend Feed, Facebook, blogs etc. Read more

Internet Marketing Services Rub Palms As ‘No Anonymity’ Policy is Prophesized

If you don’t want you private life shared on the internet then you clearly have something to hide, either that or you are doing something illegal that the government should know about. That is, according to Google CEO Eric Schmidt, who when speaking with Maria Bartiromo on CNBC recently, explained:

“People who have something to hide shouldn’t be doing things online that might potentially expose them if law enforcement seeks access to their search histories. If you have something that you don’t want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn’t be doing it in the first place”. Read more

It might seem a bit strange at first, an SEO expert of a major corporation hiring in an independent SEO consultant, but I often get calls from SEO experts who want me to work alongside them in a project. There are a number of reasons why this practice makes perfect sense.

Specialised Expertise

Every SEO expert and indeed professional SEO service has their particular areas of expertise, and over the last few years many specialised areas have opened up within the industry. An in-house SEO expert may need specialised expertise in areas such as social media promotion, local SEO, mobile SEO, copy-writing for SEO, link-building, and so on. Read more

Google have made a number of refinements to their search engine in recent months. The Caffeine and Mayday tweaks have altered the dynamics of search and caused a bit of a headache for search engine optimisation experts. A number of other aesthetic tweaks to the dashboard have taken place, including changes to the images section, dictionary listings and the colour of paid adverts. All of these things Read more

No matter how many times you tell people that web design and website search engine optimisation are two completely different disciplines, you still get asked the same questions. I got an enquiry recently from a friend of a friend; this tends to happen often when you have expertise in a particular area. The person in question was frantic because they had forked out for a new WordPress site design and after 2 weeks realised things weren’t quite as they should be. Below is a list of a few things stated in the email. Read more

In 2009 Google made between 350-500 changes in its search algorithms. That is a hell of a lot of changes to keep up with and has certainly kept search engine optimization experts on their toes. These constant tweaks by Google are the reason implementing SEO on your own is a near impossible task; SEO strategy becomes a full time job. With all these changes flying around you can’t afford to get lazy and become fixated on specific page rankings, because as quick as you achieved them they can just as quickly disappear. Read more

The internet has once again proved to be the true liberator of choice. Users have rejected Google Wave and sent it back with the tide whence it came.  Two years in development for little return, surely someone must have been wrapped on the knuckles for this giant failure.

Google were majorly excited a little over a year ago when beat version invites were selling for $95 on eBay. At the time they were quoted as saying: Read more



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