
Google AdWords Document Leaked: Revealing The Big Google Spenders

Some naughty boy or girl has leaked a Google document that discloses the first half of 2010 AdWords advertising spend of Google’s customers. Oops, more bad news for Google, this certainly doesn’t do any favours for those involved and their collective search engine optimisation campaign. I wonder how much the culprit got paid for sneaking that little file out the door.

The document was first leaked to adage who have of course leaked into onto the internet and into my inbox via some other sources. Check out the graphs below.

I am pleased to be able to bring you this jaw dropping information that reveals the big spenders.  Below is a small summary of what has been going into Google’s pockets this year – seems like that recent privacy court case will have merely grazed the wallet.

  • $574 million was spent in total.
  • 1,356 advertisers spent between $10,000 and $100,000.
  • AT&T spent over $8m in June.
  • Expedia spent almost $6m in June.
  • Amazon $5.85m in June.
  • Ebay $4.25m in June.

But most interesting is BP – now spending $3.6m per month on an image campaign to rectify their colossal oil spill mistake. That is one expensive mistake, and now the world knows that a search engine optimisation campaign can even buy back your image after killing an abundance of wildlife – in a horrible way this might be good for business! Check out the adAge article for more information,



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