One thing we all want, whether we run a blog or an ecommerce site, is more traffic, and lots of it. So, without further ado, here are 5 ways to get more traffic to your website.

1. Targeted Content

Don’t just write blog posts/articles willy-nilly. Even though natural articles/posts always bring some traffic, eventually, they really are hit and miss for the search engines. You need to make it clear to the spiders what your article/post is about, so spend some time researching keywords related to the content. Target your keywords in the title, URL, first paragraph and description.

2. Invite Some Guests

Entertaining guests is a great way of attracting new traffic. You can do this by way of interview, feature, post or article. Don’t worry too much about SEO on this one, think more about the profile of the person you are inviting, and the level of traffic they are likely to bring with their presence. Choose people with a large Twitter following and good online profile, or, alternatively choose a celebrity type figure from within your industry who is highly searched for in Google.

3. Use Your Skills

Use your skillset to attract new visitors. By this I mean create something downloadable and useable. Could be an ebook, an online tool, a guide, a video, anything that will be of use to a broad sector of people.

4. Go Outside and Make Friends

External activities are always as important as internal. Commenting on other people’s blogs and forums will help you make friends in the online community and compel others to visit your blog.

5. Be Original

Being original means to think outside of the box. Do something a little crazy that people don’t expect. For example I recently fell for an April fools gag that Twitter were banning hash tags because of their relation to cannabis. This guy got so many comments for that prank!



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