Attract More Customers By Simplifying The Sign-Up Process
Are you wondering why people aren’t signing up for an account on your site, or even just opting in for your great offers? Well perhaps you are committing cardinal sign-up sins. Check out my 5 essential steps to simplifying the sign up process.
- Allow Email Usernames
Usernames are very hard to remember these days because of the amount of accounts we have all over the web. But on average people only have one or two email addresses. Therefore it is far easier for those signing up at your website to use an email address rather than create a new username, not to mention the fact that email addresses are exclusive which eradicates the process of telling a person a username is already taken and asking them to choose another. - Sign In Automatically
Once a person has signed up don’t expect them to have to go to your home page and sign in. This is a pet hate of mine and truly annoying. Having just registered you know exactly who they are so let the person in immediately. - Show Sign Up Form On The Home Page
If you aren’t capturing as many sign-ups as you would like then you are probably not displaying your sign up box effectively. Display an eye catching box on your home page that lets the user sign up in just 3 or 4 fields – if you need additional info then ask for that afterwards. - CAPTCHA
This process of asking someone to prove they are human can prompt sign up abandonment. Ask yourself is it really necessary, can you live without the CAPTCHA facility? Do a split test over a couple of months and compare sign up rates with and without the CAPTCHA box. - Make The Confirmation Email Easy To Find
If you require people to confirm their membership then ensure the email you send is clear and simple. Make the title spam friendly and use obvious related wording. Don’t write an essay inside the mail and provide a simple one click URL that instantly completes the process.