
How to upload the products on Wish.com from Magento ?

For uploading the products on Wish.com

Step 1: Create Profile

1.1. Select Manage Profile submenu under Wish
1.2. Enter Profile Code, Profile Name, Profile Status in Profile Info tab
1.3. Select any category from dropdown in Wish Category Mapping tab
1.4. Select Profile Product tab & click on Reset Filter button to list all product. Now check products from the grid which you want to assign to that profile or category.

Step 2: Save Attribute mapping

2.1. Open Configuration of Wish (Wish -> Configuration )
2.2. Expand ” Wish Required Fields Mapping With Magento Attributes” tab and change attribute from dropdown whose value you want, corresponds to that listed Wish attribute.
2.3. Expand “Wish Recommended Fields Mapping With Magento Attributes” tab and change attribute from dropdown whose value you want corresponds to that listed Wish attribute.
2.4. Expand “Wish Optional Fields Mapping With Magento Attributes” tab and change attribute from dropdown whose value you want, corresponds to that listed Wish attribute.
Note: 1- all required attributes are mandatory(Step 2.2)

Step 3: Validate Product

3.1. Open Profile ( Wish -> Manage Profile) menu.
3.2. Select “Upload Product” option from drop-down of action column of grid
3.3. Now check products from grid and select “validate product” option from mass-action & and submit

Step 4: Upload Product

4.1. Open Profile ( Wish -> Manage Profile) menu.
4.2. Select “Upload Product” option from drop-down of action column of grid
4.3. Now check products from grid and select “validate & upload product on Wish” option from mass-action & and submit

Note: Only Product with valid status upload on Wish.



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