WordPress Optimisation Service – Pre-requisites
WordPress site and all its plugins and themes should be on the latest version. We perform an update/upgrade for you if needed for an extra fee.
It contains no malware. If your site has malware, the first thing to do is to clean up the malware. We can provide tips and steps that you can take to properly clean up your site from malware.
How exactly it works?
Before Optimisation: When a page is rendered, php and mysql are used. Therefore, system needs RAM and CPU.
If many visitors come to a site, the system uses lots of RAM and CPU so a page is rendered so slowly.
After Optimisation: Cache system generates a static html file and saves. Other users reach to static html page. So, a static file will after everytime so load server automatically reduce.
Comparison between other services
WordPress Optimisation Services
- SPEEDUP: Make My WordPress Fast!
- UPDATE: Upgrade to the latest version of WordPress, Plugins, And Themes
- SPEEDUP & UPDATE: A Combo of Upgrade WordPress, plugins, and themes to the latest version, and also optimize WordPress speed.
- CLEAN: Detection of malware & clean up.
- CLEAN, UPDATE & SPEEDUP: A Complete Package Which includes:- Perform malware clean up, upgrade WordPress, plugins, and themes to the latest version, and also optimize WordPress speed.