
The Important Correlation Between Brand Management, Marketing and SEO

SEO Consulting FirmBrand management and marketing departments often distance themselves from the in- house SEO team or a hired SEO consulting firm like the plague. SEO seems like a far cry from the strategies branders and marketers were taught in university pertaining to building a brand and fulfilling consumer needs. I mean, what have tag-lines, special offers, images, colours and brand association got to do with search? EVERYTHING! That’s what.

Off the top of my head here are just a few things to be considered…

  • SEO can tell you what people are saying about your brand and your competitors.
  • SEO can tell you what specific product terms and categories consumers are most interested in.
  • SEO can tell you how likely a marketing campaign is to succeed based on a number of consumer variables.
  • SEO can save you money on speculation.
  • SEO can provide you with free market research.

Failing to connect branding and marketing with SEO is the primary reason companies fail to connect successfully with their audience. Some might argue that on the other side of the retail industry high street advertising, marketing and branding is entirely separate from the online world, I beg to differ. The internet is where consumers research products and establish connections with brands, in the modern day. Some may not buy online but they search, they comment, they mention your brand and search for your brand in specific ways, and this reflects high street behaviour to a large degree.

And let us not forget social media. Without the expertise of an SEO consulting firm your social media campaign will be limping around getting lost amidst a sea of other lagging brands. It’s time to wake up and see why the branding and marketing side of your company needs to have a solid understanding of the importance of SEO in their role, and also the importance of working closely with an in-house SEO team or an external SEO consulting firm.



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