The developers over at the Tweet Camp have responded to the historical difficulty of securing a good network of industry suited or personality matched followers. Many people end up quitting Twitter after just a few weeks or even days because they can’t find enough interesting people or Tweets to hold their attention. Initially one follows people back out of courtesy, only to be followed by more and more affiliate marketers and Online marketing services with nothing inspirational to say except “get rich, leave your day job and retire 2m”. If only…
Twitter is all about networking but many find themselves retreating back to Facebook, tail between legs for some familiar friendship bonding that does more for the soul than sell or quote Einstein, Gandhi or Socrates all day.
Enter the Twitter suggestion tool. This neat little function will soon be appearing on your “find people” toolbar and will suggest users you may be interested in. Amongst other things, suggestions will be made on who you currently follow and who follows them, quick! I hear you gasp as you rush to clear out all those annoying persistent marketers plaguing your tweetdeck every day. But it works both ways. The new suggestion tool will come as a pleasant addition for Online marketing services who will be able to carry out more targeted marketing with suggestions rather than having to trawl the Twitter database for victims. The image below shows how the tool will; there will also be a mini suggestion version in the top right hand side of your home page.